Sunday 3 November 2013

Nearly didn't bother today

Not much to say to be honest but thought I would post my positives if nothing else...

1.  No breakfast till about 11 as not hungry
2.  Did 2 miles - found it hard going but kept at it
3.  Drank all my water
4.  Did my ironing.

Now sat on the settee doing my knitting and watching the crappiest X factor year ever.  just cant get into it for some reason.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Saturdays Ramblings.....

Hopefully this can only be read by me - if by some fluke someone finds it they will probably be bored to death!

Anyway - Saturdays ramblings.  Went for my usual paper and Saturday morning chocolate, I have done this for more years than I can remember and used to tell myself it was my little treat. Up to about 6 months ago I also had chocolate every other day so how I convinced myself that it was my Saturday only treat I have no idea :)

Bought a Milky Way and a Freddo bar and put them in the fridge for as long as I could as the shop was really hot.  In reality they were in the fridge for about 5 mins !

When I was getting them out of the fridge I saw my yoghurts and thought -mmm that looks good (Strange !) but I greedily went back to the sofa, coffee and Saturday paper with the chocolate.  The milky ways were OK but nothing special - I tried to savor every bite but somehow it was just OK.  The Freddo bar was tasteless... never before in my life has chocolate been tasteless !   I still can't understand it unless it is the work of the slimpods.

I even went back for the yoghurt as that what I wanted in the first place....

Did some housework (on my goals) and went shopping with my lovely mum.  Went looking for a nice black top but nothing I tried on was right... in the olden days (a couple of months ago) I would have bought something for the sake of it and then probably never worn it.  So I saved myself some money there.

I am now on my 4th glass of water.  Out of a goal of 6.  My mum told me today that she has seen an article about someone who drank 3 litres of water a day and they looked 10 years younger and had lost weight without trying.... might have to up my goal but will stick with 6 large glasses....will have to measure it !

Positives today so far,

Tasteless chocolate
Preferred a yoghurt
Drinking my water
Started knitting to give myself something to do
Done some housework

Oh, eaten a malt loaf.... not good but it was what I wanted.

Now going to spend the evening with my feet up, starting knitting and drinking more water !

I am really looking forward to reading this in about 12 months time to see what, if anything has changed.

Friday 1 November 2013

The start of a new beginning.

I have decided to start a blog for myself really.  To give me something to look back on in a few months time and to really see if I have lost weight, feel more confident and continue to exercise.  All with the help of slimpods.

I tried them months ago and just stopped for some reason and for the life of me I cant remember why.  I was walking most days and even managed to try a bit of a jog (but my knickers kept falling down so that put a stop to that).

Went on holiday in September and had a great time - just hated not being able to buy any of the lovely dresses as they just didn't fit.  The ones that I were offered were like tents and just not for me,

I might be 56 years old but I don't feel old and certainly don't want to look it.  I like to dress young and want to continue doing so as long as I can.

Some of the photos on holiday were horrible - and I was tagged in facebook for everyone to see :(

So I have started again with the slimpods.   I listen twice most days, just before going to sleep and then again when I wake up.  If I wake up in the middle of the night I put it on then and it usually sends me back to sleep.

I have been listening for 3 weeks now and have revamped my goals.

I have exceeded the first goal of 20 minutes exercise three times a week.  I have been doing more than 20 mins

I have failed at the 'I do some housework every day'  and reverted back to my slovenly ways:)  I live alone so it is too easy to leave things when no-one is ever going to know. So I have to give myself a kick up the backside with that one,

I have added as a goal today that I drink 6 glasses of water every day and have done that OK.

I am working on I will stop eating when I am full - I dont like leaving food but have done a couple of times.

All working towards the main goal of wearing my Christmas dress.

So.  It is my intention to ramble on this every now and again - hopefully it will keep me focused.  Hopfully nobody will ever read it apart from me !

Just decided that this is the ideal place to list my positives every day....

So today - Revamped goals to include water
                 Drank 6 glasses of water
                 Didn't have anything after dinner even though I wanted something sweet
                 Did 3 mile walk
                 Started blog !!